A virus that is being spread rather than eradicated.

Discover the most dangerous virus | The cause of death of millions of people

Most dangerous virus

If not thought about, people all over the world could die.

Thousands and even millions of such incidents have been
repeated in history in which man has faced great hardships in various forms.
Like the great floods that flooded huge populations and drowned millions of
people. And their assets will be lost. Similarly, millions of lives have been
lost due to earthquakes. Millions of lives have been lost in thousands of
incidents ranging from road accidents to plane crashes and boat sinks. Whose
responsibility we place on the divine will. Because no human being is guilty of
it. And some people seem to be helping people in such situations individually
or collectively. Who pay homage to humanity.

In addition to such accidents, diseases have been caused by
dangerous viruses in humans at different times. Who swallowed millions of human
beings. It also destroyed economic conditions to such an extent that its
effects lasted for a long time, for example, if the twentieth century is
Plant viruses, Non-human animal viruses, Hepatities viruses,
Yellow fever, dengue and other arboviruses, Influenza, Aids, Poliomyelitis,
Measles, Smallpox eradication
Etc. are famous. Due to which millions of people died. And
day and night, human beings have found a way to prevent these diseases and
gradually people will start to recover. Thus many dangerous viruses were born
in history. Eventually they were defeated and humanity was saved. People who
look for this medicine are still looked upon with respect. Nowadays, a very
dangerous virus has spread panic, which is known as the corona virus, and
chemists have named it.”

Has kept It has engulfed nearly 200,000 people and many more
are expected to die, and agencies are working day and night to save them. And
it is hoped that one day the chemists will succeed and find a solution. But
have you ever seen a virus that is even more dangerous than the corona virus
and can end the lives of millions of people in a matter of seconds ?

You are all aware of this dangerous virus, and you know how
dangerous it is. But it is human nature not to be afraid unless you see
something with your own eyes. We are all in a similar situation. This dangerous
virus stays close to us all the time, not knowing when to attack,

And the strangest and most frustrating thing is that these
great chemists and scientists are well aware of this dangerous virus. But
instead of developing a vaccine for it, the virus is being further developed.

And what is that dangerous virus? Of course, you will also
be surprised to hear. But in the details I will prove to you that this is
really the most dangerous virus. Which has spread the most destruction in the
world and instead of preventing it, it is being made more deadly. This
dangerous virus is man himself. Why?

Look at the history, the number of deaths at the hands of
human beings is not as high as all other accidents. Study the First and Second
World Wars, look at the war situation in the twentieth and twenty-first
centuries, then Russia and Afghanistan, Palestine, Chechnya, Bosnia and other
similar conflicts have killed millions of people. And no one cares to stop this
catastrophe and stop this carnage.

  Look at the history, the number of deaths at the
hands of human beings is not as high as all other accidents. Study the First
and Second World Wars, look at the war situation in the twentieth and
twenty-first centuries, then Russia and Afghanistan, Palestine, Chechnya,
Bosnia and other similar conflicts have killed millions of people. And no one
cares to stop this catastrophe and stop this carnage. And save human beings
from extinction.

On the contrary, more and more deadly weapons are being
developed in the coming days, capable of killing millions of people in minutes.
Every powerful country wants to crush the weak. And it wants to take over the
whole economy. It wants to close all the doors to its survival. Is it humanity
to unite and fight against a small virus on the one hand, and to develop and
strengthen a large and dangerous virus on the other? And the weak should be
pushed further into poverty, unemployment and helplessness. All this proves
that man has become the most dangerous virus, which is working day and night to
eradicate humanity.

We need to think individually and collectively about which
virus is more dangerous than natural disasters that are destroying humanity.
For those who are dying of starvation, what is the best way to get rid of this
problem? Similarly, terrorism is a big problem. The great powers are destroying
humanity by attacking small and unarmed countries. And no one in the world has
the power to ask them. There is no one to ask the powerful what is the fault of
the oppressed.

Peacekeepers demand that efforts be made to bring peace to
humanity. So that humanity may prosper and savagery may end. And human beings
can live in peace.